Dear valued Sponsors and Exhibitors,
The IMK Institute for Medicine and Communication Ltd. is very pleased to again organize the Joint Annual Meeting in 2025 together with the involved societies and the kind support of you, as an industry partner.
We are pleased to hereby present you the Sponsorship options for the Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases SSI, of the Swiss Society for Hospital Hygiene SSHH and the Swiss Society of Tropical and Travel Medicine SSTTM, which will take place from Wednesday, 24 until Friday, 26 September 2025 at the Congress Kursaal in Interlaken.
We expect around 600 attendees from the field of infectious diseases, hospital hygiene and travel medicine. The goal of the scientific program is to bring the disciplines together and to combine the interests from the members of the involved societies into different parallel sessions with relevant topics for clinical sciences.
As an industry partner you will have the opportunity to book a total of six exclusive satellite symposium slots, which allows you to present your products or newest scientific data in a very exclusive way within the main programme. Furthermore, we offer various possibilities to sponsor the Joint Annual Meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact us, to get your individual offer, tailored to your specific needs or detailed sponsorship options.
The exhibition spaces will be allocated on a first come, first serve principle. Please note that booths of all partner companies will be allocated by priority. Whether you join us as an exhibitor or as a partner. We would be pleased to welcome you as a valued sponsor at this Joint Annual Meeting 2025.
We look forward to welcoming you soon in Interlaken and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Thank you for your support and see you soon,
IMK Institute for medicine and communication Ltd.
Harald F. Grossmann Colin Tresch
CEO Lead Sales Management Industry
IMK - Institut für Medizin und Kommunikation AG
Herr Colin Tresch
Münsterberg 1
4001 Basel
Phone: +41 61 561 53 57