How to Reach

Congress Kursaal Interlaken
Strandbadstrasse 44
3800 Interlaken

By public transportation

Both train stations (Interlaken Ost/West) are within walking distance of approx. 10 minutes to the Congress Kursaal Interlaken.
Bus transportation is available from the train stations east and west to the Congress Kursaal Interlaken.
Bus# 103, exit Interlaken Kursaal (approx. 2 minute ride)

Use public transportation for free! All guests staying overnight in Interlaken will receive the Interlaken guest card which gives free travel on scheduled public transport services.

Online timetable SBB

By car

Congress Kursaal Interlaken does not have its own parking space. Participants should use the public
parking areas surrounding the Kursaal grounds. Parking fees must be settled directly at the designated parking meters or payment machines.

Further parking options